Autodesk Fusion 360 CAM bit information

CAM: Bit not in library

The Acrylic bit I'm using is not in the library, so I've got to create it from scratch.  Here's an Autodesk link that defines many of the terms:  Mill Tool Reference

Some of these are not important, since I'm not planning on deep cuts relative to the bit I've chosen.  But I'd like the data to be correct in case that's necessary in the future.

Unanswered Questions:

  1. Feed & Speed Tab, feed & speed: Need to play on the machine to decide best feed & speed, so this isn't finished yet.  For now I'm leaving 10,000rpm and the default cutting rate of ~39 in/min.
  2. Feed & Speed Tab, Ramp feed rate: The dialog drops the ramp feed rate to 1/3, but with acrylic that might be too slow.
  3. Cutter Tab, Description: Since feed and speed will vary with material, is it good practice to create multiple bit definitions for each bit?  That probably says the Description text on the Cutter tab should start with the intended material.
  4. Holder Tab, Select Holder: I don't know what holder(s) we've got.  For now I'm using the default.


  1. Feed & Speed Tab, calculations: The info on the page can be edited directly, but it also recalculates when some entries are changed.  For now I'll stick with feed & speed.
  2. Tab, Body vs Overall Length: The Autodesk example I was looking at made body and overall length the same, ignoring the chuck (which fudges the overall length).  I allowed 1" for chucking, so the overall length matches the vendor's part information.